Here’s the much awaited, much requested BLACK version of custom Swype skin by Anand Bibek. Its Swype Omeego. It’s based on the Meego’s Swype Qwerty Keyboard. Enjoy the look and feel of N9’s Swype keypad on your S^3 / Anna / Belle Smart Phone. Previously Anand had released Gravity keyboard mod for Swype, & Swype Zeta v2.
Must be installed on E:/ and your phone must be unlocked / hacked using Norton Hack.
Official specs:
Swype Version: Latest from betalabs. 2.1.4435
You can install this or the default swype one over another, no need to uninstall anything.
Uncommon functions:
Extra functions: Slide from,
Swype key to F
Swype key to Symbol key
Swype key to Backspace
Swype Zeta ver.2 is now available

Click below to download