Portrait Swype Update is Now Available for Symbian Anna – Nokia Astound (C7)

Finally it’s here! Portrait SWYPE on Symbian^3. I love swype on the N8, but because it was not intended for two handed use (one to hold steady, the other to be a stylus) I uninstalled it and got along quite well with the default landscape QWERTY (two thumbed use!).

Portrait Swype is just what swype is all about. That one hand, single thumb use and thus with a small screen and small amount of space to travel, just swyping along the screen and hoping for Swype to understand what you meant to type. This is great for texting on the move (only possible for me when using N8′s T9 big buttoned keypad).
Mark Guim has the US Nokia C7, aka Nokia Astound which now has the updated portrait Swype. This is the keyboard throughout and of course, it’s split screen, so you can see the original text field as opposed to a Symbian textbox.  Well, for some reason that textbox appears in gravity.
Mark says the update is available for Nokia Astound. No clue how long other S^3 users will have to wait. We still don’t have those other enhancements that are expected to be part of Anna.