1. Mix search Mode: support Chinese characters search modes like Full spell, Short spell, English letters, Numbers.
2.Whole cardcase search: support global searching of contact’s name, number, company, position, title, nickname and application in cardcase.
3.Perfect support of polyphone, rare characters, It can show single person with several phone numbers by folding number list.
4. Intelligent sorting: iDialer can list the phone number by the frequency sorting,more using, more suitable for yourself.
5. Convenient operation:
Adopt nokia classic nine- patch interface. iDialer on Symbian S60 V3 support fast operation to the direction keys and the numeric keys.
iDialer on Symbian S60 V5 and Symbian^3 follow the operation of bubble moving and gestures operation like left stroke or right stroke.
6. Perfect connection with Free-iSMS, it can call Free-iSMS’ messages and view the dialog of sms.
7. Function can save communication costs by IP dial-up and display number where it belong to.
Change Log :
* Updated front page of the program;
* Updated the search function, support for displaying the icons of programs, places to install software, progressbar process.
* The ability to send and receive files SISX SMS or Bluetooth;
* Search for contacts extended: added search by nick and name;
* Improved search algorithm;
* Optimized display style contact numbers;
* In the absence of an access point to the network error message appears;
* Fixed problem with the number of telephone numbers in the list, the list does not scroll.
* Added search function browser bookmarks by name;
* You can import bookmarks embedded browser and the browser UC;
* The priority of opening browser bookmarks UC;
* In the setting of bookmarks using the functions of management: create, edit, delete, import, etc.