It’s been a long time since we talked PR2.0. As you may have seen, NO it wasn’t announced at MWC at probably won’t in February. Rumours from NokiaLatino suggest a possible late March/Early April. (Cheers to Arts btw for the heads up). They’ve even posted up a changelog. Some points we’re familiar with having known about since October: New Browser, new keyboard, kew Qt 4.7, draggable homescreen. Other changes (as part of the 50+ updates) include New Calendar, general performance/bug fixes, and new gallery.
Interestingly the new browser, though we’ve seen what it would look like (top single URL “awesome bar”, persistent back button) we did not really know much more. Apparently now bookmarks display the image of the page (a little Maemo 5/Opera stylie). I don’t know if this means that bookmarks in shortcut icons will display the page bookmark instead of the browser icon (much needed).
As noted early last year, the browser update would be separate from the actual operating system, receiving updates when ready as opposed to what they’ve done here (waiting for firmware refresh). This browser is to be HTML5 compatible with Flash 10.
Here’s what came out after pushing through google translate:
- V.7.3 new browser: copy and paste, HTML5, Flash 10 (confirmed), new UI (Maemo 5 style, performance improvements and bug fixes, possible new UI on the bookmark so that pages can be displayed instead of just having the icon of the site (a la Opera). also said the browser would be separate from the OS, as an app to receive updates.
- New redesigned QWERTY keyboard
- More main screens (so far we know there is a 4th) and gliding effect on them.
- New Widgets
- New version of Qt 4.7 preinstalled
- Performance improvements and bug fixes, 25% more in the battery.
- New interface gallery
- New Calendar
- Integrated Swype -(Split Screen)
- May bring new versions of the apps that come with the Symbian ^ 3
The UI change below (shown by Nokia at MWC) I’d think would be in PR3.0 but Symbian Latino notes “notable changes in the general UI”.
via NokiaLatino
Most notable changes in the general UI
via [MyNokiaBlog.com]