ClearSMS provides a transparent SMS layer which runs above almost every application. Now you can write your SMS while in the background the camera/video image is shown, while navigation with Nokia maps, watching video, reading Twitter, Facebook, Email etc.
List of Features:
– Transparent overlay which works with almost every application. Now you can watch movies, run the camera app, read Twitter, etc. while writing a SMS.
– Four fully customizeable virtual keyboards.
– Settings of transparency levels and font color.
– Sending to multiple recipients.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:
– Can I use the video camera in background?
– Yes.
– Can I use custom virtual keyboards?
– Yes. By making a long press on a character you can replace the character with an arbitrary other character. This way, the virtual keyboard is fully customizable. In total you can store 4 different fully costumizable keyboards.
Help and Usage Instructions for WriterTouch
– Send SMS message (will open the Contact list, where you can select one or multiple recipients).
– Show settings menu (for adjusting transparency levels and font color).
– Resize ClearSMS. E.g. useful to start another application.
– Close ClearSMS.
– Delete last character or selection
– Insert space
– Insert newline/enter
– Toggle between keymaps (e.g. characters, numbers, special signs)
– Shift
– A scrollable textarea where the SMS is written to. You can select the cursor position by touching the appropriate position.
– The virtual keyboard area which can be changed by (8) and (9). If you want to exchange a key, just make a long tap on the character you want to change.
Click below to download
[N8FanClub.com]ClearSMS V1.00(1) S60 V5^1&^3 Signed.rar